Release Page 6
“What did you say about the proposal?” I glanced at Rock.
“To add booze and that I’d loan them the start-up money.” He glanced down at me, pride bright in his eyes.
“Oh, um...yeah.” I cleared my throat having no idea Rock had that kind of cash or that he was the owner. Shit. Being a biker had to be more profitable than a shop owner. “You will be the owners and it’s a big decision. I’ve never raised children, but I’ve always likened my business to a baby—I guess you’re ahead of me, you’ve raised three of those.”
The couple bent over laughing, I couldn’t help but join in. They were good people and Rock was so much more than I ever expected. “Think it over, both the tattoo and the restaurant—I have faith in you.” We both stood.
I waved as Rock drug me behind him down the steps. A few people were still out front eating. Mrs. Ramirez was at the cash register. She came around the counter and hugged me. “Did you convince them?”
“No one can do that but them. It’s a good plan. I’d pray about it and encourage them to do the same.” I kissed her cheek.
“Keep this girl. She’s a good egg.” Mrs. Ramirez then hugged Rock around his middle. She was tiny compared to him, but he bent and hugged her back.
“But I was saving myself for you.” He winked.
“Go on with you.” She laughed with a sparkle in her eye.
Full of energy, I stepped out into the twilight of the summer evening. “That wasn’t what I expected for our first date.”
He lifted me against him for a quick kiss before he set me back down. “Me either. I’d planned on saying hi at most, then talking to you over the best food ever.”
“That’s the gospel truth,” I agreed. I stared up at him, my hands on his cut, a reminder of the Brotherhood—I still wasn’t good with that part of his life.
“Want to walk a couple blocks for ice cream?” He squeezed my ass.
“Of course. I’ve got a billion questions about all of this.”
He groaned. “Fine, but first I need ice cream.”
We strolled down to Main Street to the Ice Bucket. We walked inside and I studied all the flavors in front of me.
“Please give me two scoops of chocolate heaven,” I told the teen behind the counter. I was totally splurging, no doubt it’d show up on my ass.
“I want three mint chocolate chip.” Rock settled his hand on my ass and I jumped.
The kid behind the counter stared at me funny when I gave Rock the stink eye. After he paid, we went outside to one of the sidewalk tables with our already dripping cones.
“You like that family.” I stated the obvious, but I wasn’t sure how to get where I wanted to go. “I mean the love, the closeness, it’s easy to like them.”
“The first time I went in there, I took my plate and sat at the far end of one table alone. I’d heard about it, wanted to try it, but unsure about it so I didn’t ask any of my brothers to come. Mrs. Ramirez untied her apron, scooped up her own plate and joined me. She talked non-stop and before five minutes passed, I was at home. I’d never been so comfortable anywhere but with the Brotherhood. Here I was huge, tattooed, in a biker cut, but she didn’t blink twice about how I looked, she just adopted me.” Passion burned in his eyes. “I’d do anything for that family. I’ve wished a thousand times that my family had been like that.”
“They weren’t?”
“Drug dealing scum.” He gazed out over the street. Apparently that subject was closed.
“I know what you mean. I go to supper with my family every damn week, but it’s an obligation, one I hate. That family was prouder of me, a total stranger, than my family has ever been. Well, except my brother Chet. We’re close, but not as close as the Ramirezes.”
He nodded. “What’s so bad about Wednesday night dinner?”
“The women cook, set the table and clean. The men eat. Chet is praised and I’m not. My hair, my clothes, my shop, and the way I breathe–all up for criticism. I’ve given up hoping to be what my dad wants. My mom only wants my dad to be happy—something that will never happen no matter how perfect she tries to be.” I blew out a breath. “I don’t want to talk about them.”
“What should we talk about?” He leaned forward and licked my ice cream cone.
“Hey, that’s stealing,” I protested. “Give me some of yours.”
He chuckled and held out his cone. I licked it from base to top with one slow gesture. His smiling eyes turned heavy with need. “That was sexy.”
I returned to my cone. “You’re sexy and sweet, a lethal combination.”
“Tell me something—serious?” He was asking permission, I think.
I nodded. “I’ll always be honest.”
“What’s your biggest objection to the club?” His soft voice hid the ambush.
“Wow, talk about blindsided. Give me a minute.” I tried to pull my mind back from the sexy flirting. I didn’t trust the club, I’d seen how the club mentality had hurt Lila, the word property pissed me off, that no matter what I did, I’d never really belong—whoa, that was a heavy thought.
“For you the Brotherhood means belonging, but women aren’t brothers, they’re property. That scares me. I’ve fought my dad’s outdated ideas of what it means to be a woman since I can remember—and it’s cost me a lot to be my own woman. I don’t need someone else telling me how I should act.”
I was afraid that I’d give up my identity for his love—for the Brotherhood’s approval. No. That was too high a price to pay.
“It’s not like that. No one cares who you are. You’re mine, only mine. You support me, that’s all the club wants from you.” His earnest eyes almost convinced me.
“Like they supported Lila?” The words were mean.
He jerked his head like I’d slapped him. “I’d do anything to undo that night, but I can’t and Lila forgave me. Will you?”
I covered his hand with mine. “I’m trying, but to forgive you I think I have to forgive myself, and I’m finding that hard to do.” If I hadn’t told him, none of that would’ve happened.
No longer hungry, I threw my cone into the trash, standing there holding myself. Rock’s arms slid around me. “All we can do is try. I haven’t forgiven myself either.”
Chapter Six
Wednesday morning I opened Marked Man. Now that Mama was gone more than she was here, we all took turns opening the shop, I should say everyone but Weasel. Today and Friday were my days. Last night Avery had stayed with me—her sweet ass tucked in next to me was perfection. We’d spent every night together, and I couldn’t get enough. The back door beeped, signaling Dare or Mama. No one else used that door.
“Rock,” Dare called me.
“Yeah.” I cleared my throat and tried to get my little one out of my mind.
“Need a minute, upstairs at our place.”
I followed him up the stairs. The apartment had changed. Mama had painted, replaced the couch and bright rugs covered the wood floor. A damn sight better than the one chair she’d had for months after she’d moved here. But that chair was still in the corner.
I’d never be able to make it up to them—the way I’d set that horrible night in motion by telling Jericho of her plans to go out dancing. It didn’t matter that I’d been used by Jericho, but I hated the pain Mama had suffered because of my big mouth. In fact, it reinforced my resolve to stay far away from Jericho and his convoluted plans. He wasn’t wild like Dare or lethal like Bear, but manipulative and controlling along with the biggest set of balls in the club. It was best to avoid that whole scene.
“What can I do for you, boss?” I shoved my hands into my pockets.
Dare stared at me in the creepy way he had. While I’d die for that bastard, that look still made my arm hairs stand on end.
“I have too much shit going on, not enough time,” he growled. Dare hated having shit to do, unless it was cracking heads. “I can’t keep this VP shit going and take care of the shop.”
I’d seen this coming, Jericho had left the shop when he’d become VP, now Dare would leave. I was sure Zero had been tapped to take over, and it was nice for Dare to let me know one on one since I’d been around longer.
“Will you do it? Run the shop?”
I shook my head. My internal thoughts had blocked Dare’s words. I had to hear wrong. “What?”
“You take over the damn shop. Find a replacement for Red, I need her to focus on the clubhouse and that side business of hers.” He stepped toward me. “Well?”
“Don’t you mean Zero? I’m no fucking leader.”
“Man, that’s what I said about me, but didn’t stop fucking Jericho from heaping shit on, again and again. You’re better than me for this shit.” He clapped me on the back. “You got this, yeah.”
I nodded, still not caught up or sure what I’d agreed to. “Why me?”
Dare moved close until he was right up in my grill. “You’re solid. Know what needs doing, so you got it. But it means Council meetings on Thursdays and more shit, more responsibility. That part sucks. You know the score, so I’m passing on the headache, so I can get a new damn headache.”
“Yeah. Okay. You tell the guys?” I asked.
“Sunday at church, but tell whoever you want, do what you want. I plan for Red to be showing you how shit works this week. We good?”
Still at a loss for words, I nodded and followed him back to the shop. I couldn’t believe it, I was in charge. No one in their right mind would put me in charge, but when the VP asked, a brother said yes. Fuck, I hated this shit. Just the idea of the inner Council meetings gave me the willies. I had twenty-four hours to figure out this shit, then I’d be at my first meeting.
Dare pushed through the front door and out to his bike, a man on a mission. I snatched a Coke from the fridge and contemplated all the ways this would fuck up my life. I hated decisions and I hated the spotlight most of all. But what scared my boxers stiff was the idea I’d be around Jericho all the damn time.
Mama walked out of the office, her eyes lit up. “Congrats, Rock. You’ll kick ass here.” She hugged me tight.
There was a time I’d given anything for her hugs, but that’d been when I thought I could replace Dare in her bed. Not only had I betrayed her, I’d been one of the many that flocked to her, hoping she’d pick one of us when she and Dare had been apart. We were all stupid. In hindsight, it was painfully obvious that no one could ever take his place. Lucky for me she didn’t hold a damn grudge.
“Thanks, I think. Total mind fuck.” I shook my head.
“You had to know he was going to leave the shop.” She frowned at me.
“Well yeah, but I saw him putting Zero in that place. I like my work behind the scenes, not up front. This puts me right in the middle of everything.”
She leaned against the counter. “You can say no.”
I wished it was that simple because I would pass in a heartbeat, but it wasn’t. When you were asked to step up, you did. Dare had asked, so I’d do my best to live up to his expectations. That was what made us a brotherhood. “I’ll do it. Always and everything for the club, just didn’t think he’d pick me.” I scrubbed my mouth. “I don’t get it. Jericho and I barely talk.”
“Dare decided, it was always you. You got that steady sense and you don’t stop until something’s done. That’s why you’re next. Weasel did something that fucked over his chances, but even still, you should’ve expected it.” She studied me and I glanced away.
I hadn’t expected it. I never expected anyone to see me as a leader, but I would never let Dare down. He’d had my back too many times to count. “So you’ll show me what I need to do.”
She gave me a half smile and opened her mouth then closed it. Her smile grew wider. “We’ll start with the paperwork. I’ve already ordered you a computer, it’s in the office. But you decide what needs to be done. Marked Man is yours now.” She hugged me again. “I know you’ll treat her well.”
“I will.” I was serious, something that I rarely was.
The doorbell jingled and Zero’s client walked inside. Mama checked the woman in while I waited in the office thinking about what running Marked Man meant. It meant more work, more hours, and getting more help. We’d been short staffed too long. I couldn’t wait to tell Avery tonight, she’d be stoked, and I needed some happy because to me this all looked like a huge fucking headache—just what Dare said.
Mama returned to the office and showed me the books. Simple enough. She gave me a quick overview of the files she’d created for sales, expenses and inventory. I planned to dump the paperwork and reception room on Mark until he was ready to use an ink iron.
After spending two hours with Mama, she left and I greeted my afternoon customer. Finally ink on skin, that’s what I lived for, not all the other bullshit. I craved the zone when I and the ink iron created the cobra on Jack’s back. Today I’d finish the detail on the piece, the part that made the design one-of-a-kind.
At eight I closed up and went to Avery’s for the night. She’d planned for us to have a late dinner and watch TV, or a movie. Glory was out tonight so we had her place to ourselves.
I was wound too fucking tight, and wished I was heading to Bound, I could use the release. Stress was my trigger for pain, adding Marked Man to my shoulders stressed me the fuck out, but pain was my dirty addiction—one I denied as long as possible. I’d rather spend tonight in Avery’s arms instead of Marr’s dungeon.
Avery greeted me with her normal enthusiasm and wore a huge blue T-shirt with a picture of the TARDIS on it. “It’s totally a night with the Doctor.” Her full smile and dancing eyes called to me. I drug her to me and kissed her hard, pouring out all the conflicting emotions.
“Wowser. That was hot.” She swiped my nose once the kiss ended. “Totally ready to Netflix and Chill.” She waggled brows at me.
The tension eased inside me. “Come on, I made fish and chips in honor of our British Doctor.” She tugged me into the kitchen.
After we’d scarfed down fish sticks and french fries we moved into the living room. She grabbed the remote but I stilled her hand.
“I have news.” I tried to sound excited, but I was so worried about whether I was up for this, so I didn’t hit excited. “Dare made me the manager of the shop, Marked Man. He’s—”
She screamed jumping up and down. “You rock.” She snorted out more laughter. “Sorry.” She bent double laughing. “You deserve it and will be an awesome manager.” She spoke between bursts of laughter, still tickled by her pun. She did this anytime she used my nickname in a sentence. I loved her sense of humor, every time she laughed it filled me with satisfaction. I wanted to spend my life making her laugh.
“You think so?” Because I wasn’t at all confident Dare should’ve put me in charge.
She sobered and stared up at me. “You don’t?”
I collapsed onto her couch. “I’m the guy who gets stuff done, not figures out what needs doing. I never thought I’d be leading.”
“I think the best leaders are the ones who get the work done. You don’t need anything more than you because you’re awesome sauce with kick-ass sprinkles.” She giggled.
I grinned at her. “Kick-ass sprinkles?”
“Yeah. You’re the bomb!” She made the hip-hop gesture to go with it and I broke out laughing. She always made me laugh.
I lay my head on her lap and her fingers massaged my temples while Doctor Who played on the screen. I wasn’t a Doctor Who fan, but Avery was an addict, so I pretended to like it and its cheesy special effects. The only thing that Doctor had going for him was quality tail. His companions were always fine.
p; The tension eased and my headache dulled with every minute my girl rubbed my head. I began to drift in that middle space, not sleep or waking, but the perfect place where I floated.
“Damn. I have to pee.” She paused the show and slid out from my head. “Be right back.”
I sat up and stretched, already feeling better.
Avery gave me a huge, face-splitting grin before she left the living room. “I’m ready for the chill.” She eyed my groin. “Lose the pants, Muscle Man.”
She hurried down the hall and I obeyed her order. I stripped out of my clothes, tossed them on the shag carpet, lying back on the sofa. I couldn’t wait to see her reaction.
She walked into the living room, stopped, staring down at me. “You’re a beast, and you’re mine.” She pounced on me. “I’m going to ride the beast.”
“The beast only accepts naked riders.”
“Yeah, yeah. But first your cock is crying for my attention.”
“Do what you think best.”
She cupped my already tight sac, massaging with a teasing touch before she swept up my shaft. “You sure you can handle this?”
“I’ll handle all you give and then some.” I loved her sassy mouth.
She flicked the sensitive tip of my dick, I hardened more, ready to go. “How many licks to get to the center of this cock-pop?” She teased.
I laughed remembering that owl from the commercial.
She swallowed me deep then trailed up with slow, circling motions. My hips pushed up and I squeezed her ass cheeks. Already lost to the waves of pleasure crashing through me. Chest tight, I struggled to breathe, needing more.
“Almita, please,” I begged.
My hips pushed up in time with her strokes. Perfect, I was close and she tugged every bit out of me. She trailed fingers over my sensitive taint and kept going. Oh damn, I arched up into her at the light sensation pushing my limits.
She kept going. How? Why? When her finger pressed on my pucker, I bucked unable to control anything. It was intense, then her finger slid inside and pressed something. Pow. My body convulsed with a hard climax that stole my breath.