Release Page 21
“I don’t want other women doing something I can.” Shit. Where had that come from? Jealous much, Avery?
A slow grin spread across his face. “You’re jealous?”
I deflated, my anger gone. “Maybe I am. I want to be everything for you, but until you pushed me, I hadn’t really put that together in here.” I tapped my temple.
“Would you want a man having me bound naked?”
His face reddened and fists clenched. “Never.”
“Well, I’m not that bad, but I want to learn what I can, what I can tolerate, so I’m able to be the one you come to,” I snorted. “But seriously, it’s important to me.”
Rock scooped me up and carried me to bed. “Are you too sore?”
“Not after my bath, do your worst.” I pulled him down so I could taste his lips.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Wednesday morning Avery was packed and ready early—she didn’t pack like a girl. Her bright purple backpack sat beside my camo pack—all our luggage for four days. Everything about her surprised me—nothing more than her Marr revelation. We’d been together for less than three months this time, and it was as if we’d known each other forever. That’s how well we fit together.
“Your phone buzzed.” She handed it to me. “I hope it’s Mark, so we can get on the road.”
Patience was not her thing, she had no idea how long it’d be until we hit the road, and I wasn’t about to tell her. Once Mark stopped by, we’d chill at the clubhouse, and maybe we’d leave an hour after that, if things ran smoothly.
I swiped my screen to see Mark’s text then I heard his honk.
“Finally.” She did a little dance, which was damn cute.
I hefted our packs and headed to the truck, tossing our stuff in with all the other duffle bags. Avery hurried over to Mark, talking so fast he laughed, my girl didn’t really have a slow mode, only fast and asleep.
She marched over to me, frown in place. “Mark says it’s at least an hour, more like two before we go.” She huffed. “Why?”
“Almita, bikers don’t scurry. We’ll get there in our own time.”
“I want that to be now.” Her bottom lip poked out tempting me. I gave in, sucking that lip when I kissed her.
* * *
Our caravan of fifteen bikes pulled out of the club about eleven, which would put us at the lake cabins before two. Avery leaned into me and shouted. “It’s a lot of bikes.”
Our group was so big the club had rented five more cabins besides the two we owned. Luckily, we were staying in the club-owned cabins, they were nicer and closer to the boats and ski jets.
Riding my Dyna was one of my three favorite things in the world, which was only made better when my brothers rode with me.
My girl on the back, I don’t know how life gets better, so I plan to fucking enjoy this shit.
The buzz of the bike on the asphalt and the smell of exhaust lulled me into that peaceful place riding gave me. Not quite as good as pain, but close, although it wasn’t even in the same league as that last session with Marr and my almita. That shit was so perfect I still couldn’t believe it’d been real. I’d never come while Marr caned me, and words didn’t fucking exist for that experience, all because of Avery.
I’d expected her to maybe cry or even be disgusted by what I did, but she’d gone beyond anything I could imagine. I’d never have asked too ashamed that she’d condemn me. Hell even a no thanks would’ve cut deep.
Instead, she’d fucking gone to Marr to be trained, just to cater to my fucking perversion, not that I wasn’t excited for her to try her new skills on me. But, for whatever reason, I couldn’t see my need to get the shit beat out of me as normal, especially the way I was compelled to do it.
Avery pressed into my sides, tapping her fingers, the signal we’d created for pit stops. We’d never made it two hours without a break. I signaled and pulled off at the roadside rest area, five other bikes followed me. I parked and she hopped off the bike shoving her helmet at me before she hurried inside. I glanced at my watch, two hours exactly.
“Doesn’t it irritate you?” Zero glanced at me. “I can ride hours nonstop on my bike.”
I shook my head. “No point, just the way it is. I want that kind of ride, I don’t bring her.” Arching an eyebrow, I assessed him. “But you know pulling off on a field road for her, well one thing turns into another, and that’s better than the ride.”
“Fuck.” He smacked my arm. “Always an answer.”
I caught the flash of red from the corner of my eye and turned to see Avery almost skipping toward us, her cheery smile splitting her face. Damn she was sexy. She bounced on her toes when she stopped then leaned in for a kiss, but I didn’t let her get away with a quick smooch. I claimed her, wanting her to feel the same punch to the gut I always got seeing her.
“You know how to use those lips.” She looked from me to Zero. “We ready to jet?”
We made it to the cabin about two and settled in our room before heading out for a ski jet ride and some time with the brothers around the bonfire. Tired, we both went to bed early, eventually sleeping.
* * *
I woke up Thursday morning way too early, but I always did, usually hours before most of the brothers even stirred. Avery curled into me, still asleep. Her nose tilted up just a bit at the end and her naked ass snug against my dick caused me problems. I could slip out of bed for a run and leave her sleeping, just then she made this cute noise and snuggled into me, or I could wake her up in the best way possible.
Flipping down the sheet, I brought her closer so I could reach her tits and slid my dick through from the back only to find her wet for me, even in her sleep. Belatedly, I remembered the lube I’d used last night and did an awkward one-armed stretch to snag it. Adding it to my fingers, I searched for her nub.
She arched her back and made a sexy little purr. Her lids fluttered and lips parted as her hips rocked. I leaned down to nibble her ear. “Going to fuck you, almita.”
“Mmmhmm.” She pushed into my fingers, needing more of what I gave her.
I withdrew and aligned my erection with her pussy, slowly pushing into her hot, tight pussy, maybe in a hundred years I’d become used to the way she sheathed me with her smooth walls. As a man who lived by the rubber, bareback was a fantasy made real, which was even better because she trusted me enough to do this.
“Going to come,” she moaned.
“No, wait for me.”
I drove into her, moving faster, wanting us to go together.
“Yeah, Rock.”
“That’s it almost there.”
My balls tightened and pressure pushed up through my legs as I came inside her and she burst with me. Shudders rippled between our bodies and my breath was gone as I drove into her all the while she squeezed my cock with her clenching walls.
“I love you, Rock.”
Those words made my heart shudder, like an emotional release, even more powerful than the physical. Fuck, I loved it when she said those words.
It wasn’t the only time she’d said the words, but I couldn’t hear it enough. I held her tight and hoped I was showing her the words that were so hard for me to say.
We cuddled in bed for long minutes after, content in our quiet afterglow. Her finger traced the new tattoo.
“I love this. Why did you get this piece?”
She’d commented on it a couple times but this was the first time she’d asked me questions about it.
“You freed me, this reminds me of the way we’ve broken free from our pasts.” I kissed her nose. “It’s a powerful gift—acceptance.”
Her eyes were blurry with tears but she blinked them away. “You freed me; I love that you see me like that, like some nymp
h or pixie full of fun and a bit of mischief.”
I squeezed her close to me, hugging her tight. “I love you.” I spoke the words quietly in her ear.
Too soon for me, she started wiggling, and that meant cuddle time was over. Living together had given me a clear picture of the Avery routine.
“Gonna go shower.” She slid off the bed, threw on some PJs, grabbed her bag and left.
After showers and breakfast, we changed into swim stuff and headed to the dock.
“Ski jet or boat?”
She tapped her lip. “Ski jet.”
“Good answer.” I pointed to a pile of life jackets. “Put one on.”
“I will put one on when you do.” She crossed her arms and jutted her chin. Stubborn look all the way.
Shit, it was hard to argue against that. “Let’s go.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She waded through the water and climbed up behind me.
“Hold on tight.” I started the jet and backed out.
She pinched my abs. “Tight enough.”
“Minx.” I turned up the gas and sped away into the lake.
Avery whooped behind me—she loved speed. In fact, I’d yet to figure out what she didn’t like. We rode through the lake and I steered us down a finger of the lake to my favorite sandbar. I drove it right up onto the beach edge, then drug it a bit more once we were off, so it wouldn’t go anywhere.
“Nice sand, great sun. This is paradise.” She sat down in the shallow water that lapped up onto the sand.
Sprawling out beside her, I thought she was right.
We sat sprawled on the sandbar basking in the sun.
“Do you ever miss your family?”
Hell no, but I doubted this was about me.
“Nope, but my family was all kinds of fucked up. Your family though, I bet it’s easy to miss them?”
She drew in the sand. “I do miss them, and it hurts knowing it’s forever. And maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much if it wasn’t all tied up with finding out what an ass my dad is.” She glanced up with eyes wet with tears. “Why would my mom pick him, an abusive jerk, over me?”
I wanted to punch her old man or something. Hurt was raw in her expression. “People are fucked up, and that’s the only answer.” I patted my lap. “Come here.”
She scooted onto my lap curling into my chest.
“You are the one she should’ve picked, but she didn’t and that’s her bad, not yours.” I sucked in a breath to ask a question that had been bothering me. “Do you regret it? If it wasn’t for me—”
“No.” She put two fingers on my lips then softly kissed me before she pulled back. “Love isn’t about conditions. They loved me, they’d be happy for me. And I’d still be in the dark about my Dad. No, it’s not your fault, my fault...but it is sad.”
“I love you,” I whispered into her hair.
“And I love you, but I’m not sure I want more family. You say that’s the Brotherhood, but what if they’re just like my parents. I’m tired of jumping through hoops.”
The weariness in her voice sounded like a person I didn’t know. I’d never seen her so unsure. “You’re right. Family accepts you. Don’t do a damn thing to make anyone like you, no hoops.” I kissed her citrus-scented hair. “My brothers don’t love you like I do, then I’ three pineapples.” I needed to hear her laugh.
“Yeah?” She giggled. “On pizzas?”
“On pizzas.” I shivered at the idea.
“We’re not people to impress, you’re with me, you belong.” I believed what I said. It’s how it’d always been.
“That makes me feel better.” She nuzzled my neck. “I’m done not being good enough. Take it or leave it.”
“I’ll take you forever.”
She bit my neck and pushed me back into the sand.
But I wasn’t about to get sand in every crack of my junk. “Time for a swim.” I pointed to her bikini. “You don’t need that, unless you want the lake to take it.” I dumped her off my lap and stood.
She squealed and her bikini top dropped to the beach.
I stripped off my swim shorts and her bikini bottoms followed.
I swept her up into my arms and carried her into the water. “You ever fucked in the water, almita?”
She shook her head. “I like first times with you.”
Once we were chest deep in water, I had her wrap legs around me as I pushed her up me so I could feast on her breasts. “I need you now.”
“I’m yours, take me, now, always.”
And I did, sliding into her was like coming home. The emotion hot in me turned to lust.
“Yeah.” She panted and bit my neck.
I felt the spasm of pleasure shoot through me as I came and she let go a second later, together we rode the orgasm. Not the first time, but still every time she teased me with pain, I fell apart in record speed.
We drove back to the cabin at lunch and passed the day hanging out. Avery spent most of the afternoon sunbathing with Mama while I lost at cards. After dinner, I lost sight of her and found her in our room.
“Let’s go. There’s a trail that leads to a lake overview, I want to take you there.” I held a bottle of Johnny Walker in one hand and held the other out to her.
She eyed me. “Rock Juarez, I think you’re already at least one sheet to the wind.”
“No fucking way, just a great buzz.” I swayed and righted myself.
She giggled and clasped my hand. “Lead the way.”
A lick of heat traveled my spine at her touch.
We walked through the forest in the fading light of the day, I carried the whiskey and she swung her hot pink water bottle in her hand.
“Wow, the sun on the water, breathtaking.” Avery leaned out over the railing. “Did you time this?”
“No.” Though I wish I had.
She grinned. “Sunsets over water are the best.”
She was the beautiful one with hair the color of the red streaks in the sky. I set down the whiskey and sprawled on the rough wood bench that was attached to the deck rail. Uncapping the Johnny Walker, I took a pull from the bottle and another. I did have an agenda though. There was something I needed to know. “Tell me about the session you had with Marr, in detail.”
She heaved out a sigh. “Can’t I just say I cried and cried and cried but made it to the end?”
“No. What did you think? Feel?”
“The wheel was first—I blubbered over the wheel on my thighs, but if I’d realized what was to come, then maybe I wouldn’t have cried.” She gave me an exaggerated shrug. “Oh, but I really like that violet wand thing.”
That hit me straight in the gut. I liked it too. It’d been far too long since I’d played with that toy.
“Why? What did you do?”
“Picked a five padd—”
“You did not do something so stupid.” I lunged forward toward her. “No wonder you were bruised. Maybe a three, but a five? Why would you hurt yourself like that when you hate pain?”
I could kill her for being so stupid.
“I was doing this for you and you’d pick a higher number, probably the biggest one.”
Her words caused me pause and guilt, I did choose the thickest I could. “Look at how I’ve dragged you into my pit.”
“Shut it now. I decided and I want to be more for you. Besides I survived. Marr even said I did better than her regular clients because I didn’t beg her to stop. Like that would help.” She hugged me close to her.
No, begging wouldn’t help but that didn’t stop most people. She understood Marr and the dungeon almost by instinct. No wonder Marr wanted her as an apprentice.
“I think we became friends, Marr and me.” Her words shocked me out of my thoughts.
“No one makes friends with her. She’s scary.”
“Did you know she’s Irish?”
Marr? “You’re mistaken.”
“Nope. I got her to admit it.” She gave me a satisfied grin. “People tell me things.”
“Because everyone likes you, but none more than me.” It was the truth. Something about her humor and her openness drew others to her. “All of this would be perfect if we didn’t have so much complicated shit going on in the club. Shit that makes you vulnerable.” I sat up and my head spun. “You know, right, any brother does anything you even think is off, you always say I’m Rock’s property—you come to me.” I drank down more whiskey. “Fuck, I wish I could tell her more.”
“Then tell me.” She shoved my arm.
“Did I say that? Thought it was in my mind.”
“You said it.” She snorted a laugh. “My cute, drunk biker.”
She grunted and poked my chest. “Tell me.”
“Come closer.” I needed my mouth on her.
I leaned in ready to taste her, but her hand stopped me.
“Tell me.”
“Baby, I want to but unless you’re part of the club, I can’t.” Freed from her hold I went straight for her tits, needing to feel her pussy squeezing down on me.
“That feels good.” She leaned back held up by her hands and arms. “You should make me part of the club.”
Maybe my drunken mind imagined those words, but they drove me wild, and I tugged off her shorts, needing her sweetness.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Bouncing and sun made my head hurt worse. I opened one eye to see a very excited girl already dressed. Too much whiskey last night.
“I want pancakes,” Avery yelled and bounced on the bed.
“Almita, go away.” I covered my head with my pillow.
“I’ve been away.” She tugged the pillow away. “It’s ten and I’m starving for pancakes. Take me to breakfast.”
I groaned and willed my pounding head to stop.
“I have Lila’s hangover cure right here, and the bike ride will make you feel better.” She leaned over me.