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Neither applied to me nor would they anytime soon. I wanted to live life fully before I settled down. Date, go to wild parties and have melt-my-panties sex. Life was out there and I intended to grab it with both hands, even if it wasn’t with Rock.
“When did we become the outcasts?” I whispered to Glory.
“When we were too cool to settle for crap.”
“Do you find them boring?” I whispered back.
“Totally. I mean the bikers look more fun and you know I don’t like them.” She scowled toward the bar. “They stole Mark.”
I laughed. “One was good enough for a night. Don’t you miss Zero?”
She blew out a breath. “Never. After he convinced Mark to join, Zero’s dead to me—even if he’s hot and talented.” She giggled so much she barely got the last words out. Maybe the drinks were hitting Glory already.
“Did you eat?”
She waved a hand at me. “I had lunch.”
My gaze skittered across the bar stopping on Rock. His wide shoulders and tight ass called to me. All night I’d known exactly where he was, as if I had Rock radar. I was already wound tight from being so close to him, and I wasn’t sure how much I could endure. The troublemaking part of me wanted to talk to him. Or kiss him, but I wasn’t being stupid again.
“You should eat,” I warned her. Glory was a very affectionate drunk, and bikers were really the only single people here.
I contemplated exit excuses. I was tired of talking about houses, avoiding Rock, and listening to the snide remarks of our friends about the Brotherhood.
Then my favorite couple walked in together—Dare and Lila. She was the only person who understood me these days, and she was wicked fun if she wasn’t all stuck to Dare. In some ways she’d taken Glory’s place in my life—I found myself agreeing with her advice and spending more time with Lila than Glory. She was mired in her own struggle about her future. A future I was sure would take her away from Barden.
“Sorry, Glory, but I’m bailing.” I threw the words over my shoulder as I headed for Lila.
I embraced Lila, the supple leather of her vest, or cut, rubbed against my chin.
“Hey Avery.” Dare gave me the nod then joined the group of bikers around Mark.
“You saved me from boring friends,” I fake-whispered.
“Are your friends boring because they’re going another way?”
“Maybe.” I watched her blond babe of an old man talk with Mark.
She linked her arm with mine. “Come be not-boring with me. I need a sober friend to talk to.” Her eyes followed Dare, who downed two shots in seconds.
“Red, come here.” Dare called Lila to him.
She joined the group but I didn’t follow. Rock was there, that was too close. I tried to stay away because my resistance was weaker with each day that passed. The good memories bombarded me and my doubts about the club were shadows.
Mal poured me another Coke as I watched the bikers greet Lila with nods, hugs and everything in between. Part of me wanted that closeness but another part was afraid I’d be disappointed when they turned out to be like my real family—controlling, disapproving and male dominated.
Lila made her way back to me. When she pulled up a wooden stool next to me, Mal slid her a Coke too.
“Did you make it a double?” She laughed and he smiled wider, but she had that effect on everyone.
I wish I had her knack for making people want me. We moved from quick catch up to a conversation about her new design business. “I’m so busy Mark’s taking several of my days at the shop. And there’s coordinating all the club stuff,” she huffed. “Being Dare’s old lady is a busy job, not counting the time in the bedroom.” She winked at me. “I could spend all my time there.”
“Bitch,” I grumbled. “No need to brag to the girl not gettin’ any.”
With a cocked eyebrow full of attitude, she looked over my shoulder. “You could be.”
I glanced up to see Rock smiling my way. Our gazes locked, heat crackled in the air between us, and need flared inside me. I tapped down that shit real quick.
Lila elbowed me. “Stubborn idiot, he’s so fine.”
“Are you still speaking to me, Goof?” A drunk Mark stumbled into me. I tried to move away when the stench of beer breath hit me, but he just wavered and leaned with me.
“Yeah, only if you take your nasty beer stench away from my face,” I said coughing.
He laughed but didn’t move. “Fucking went to kindergarten with those asses over there, but now, I don’t,” he hiccupped, “exist.”
“Dude, you’re real, no one else could stink so bad.” I patted his shoulder. “But I still like you.”
His sloppy mouth grinned wide and he leaned forward barely staying upright. Maybe I was wrong, but it looked like a kiss move.
“Gross, no kissy no feely.” I pushed him back using the line we’d used in fifth grade.
He laughed, his foggy eyes focused on Lila. “Bet you din’t think I’d do it.”
She clasped his waist. “I saw you get the arm piece...let’s get you to the brothers before you pass out.”
“Not me,” he slurred.
I didn’t hear the rest of their conversation as she guided him back to the group.
I glanced over to where Rock and Zero chatted together. I couldn’t pull my gaze from his biceps—one of his many drool-worthy parts. They were bigger, more defined, than a few months ago. How was that even possible?
Zero moved away and Rock took a long pull of his beer. I wanted to be the rim of the bottle, just to feel his lips on me again.
Glory stopped by with Carla and her boyfriend, Jacob. “I’m catching a ride with them. See you at home.”
I kissed her cheek. “I’m going to stick around a bit.”
“Mmm-hmmm.” She glanced over her shoulder toward Rock before she followed Carla and Jacob out.
I swallowed the lump blocking my throat. “Hey, I have a question.” I called to him from my spot down the bar. It was a legitimate question, I told myself, not an attempt to smell his sexy scent again.
He grinned wide and came over, leaning against the bar mere inches from me.
“About a tattoo.” I inhaled his scent, butterflies zinged through me.
“Ready to pop your cherry?” His eyes skimmed my body.
I tried to ignore the way my core heated up. “I’ve decided on one, right above my heart.” I drew the square on my chest.
He focused on my breasts. “What’s it look like?” His deep, barely accented baritone excited me. He rarely let the Hispanic accent loose when he spoke.
“A clothing label with my company name and 100% Original.”
“That’s you, totally. Good damn choice.”
Why does his approval make my stomach flutter?
“Gonna hurt, it’s a sensitive area.”
I suppressed my flinch. “Yup, it’ll be worth it.”
A full smile blossomed across his face. “About damn time.” Approval vibrated in his voice. “You’ll be so sexy with ink marking you. You gonna come to me?” His accent thickened reminding me of the times he’d spoken to me in Spanish, just remembering those moments heated me up.
“I couldn’t come for anyone else.” Heat washed up my cheeks.
His eyes widened and he threw his head back with deep laugh that sounded through the bar. “You don’t know how happy that makes me, almita. Maybe you should come for me tonight.”
My spine tingled and a pool of lava scorched my core. I bit my lip and tried to keep the words I wanted to say silent inside me. My chest hurt from the effort. I stared at the bottles of liquor on the wall instead of the sexy eyes that challenged me to say yes.
Zero called him over, and I was saved. Again. With one last hot glare, h
e walked away. Nursing my Coke, my mind whirred in reverse to the days Rock and I first connected. Lila had introduced us before she’d booked it out of the club, and away from the swarm of bikers that had followed her everywhere in the dark months when she and Dare weren’t together.
The dance club had disappeared when I skimmed my fingers down Rock’s hard chest. Not all that tall, he still was a good half a foot over my five foot three—perfect for dancing and everything else.
He clasped my ass, held me tight to him. His scent intoxicated me, and I fell for him right then. He was mine, what I’d dreamed about, and I’d snared him.
“Come with me.” His accented words tickled my ear.
I nodded, not even caring where we went. The back of the building sounded perfect. But he’d led me through the club, out the front to his bike. With deliberate possession he captured my mouth, controlling, guiding me. No one ever kissed me like that, until Rock. On the back of his bike, power vibrated through me. A single thought played on repeat in my mind. He hadn’t known me since kindergarten, I could be whoever I wanted to be.
“Avery.” Lila shook my arm, and the memory dissolved scattering into the shards of my broken dream.
“Sorry I spaced. What’s up?” Heat rushed into my cheeks. “And where’s your handsome half?”
“Carrying the newest recruit out to Zero’s truck, he was talking one second. The next, splat, passed out on the floor.” Lila peered at me. “You still blocking Rock?”
I bristled. “I’m not blocking him, I’m protecting myself. I’d rather be safe than sorry. I’m not sure I have the strength to go through what you did.”
“Safe isn’t happy.” Lila’s sad smile bothered me.
I blew out my breath. “But is happy worth the club?” I so wanted Rock, but the club—not even a little. “What do I do, Lila?”
“Only you know what you can take.” Her voice dropped and sadness drug down all her features. “But I’d do it all two times over if it meant having Dare.”
That was a big statement. Jericho and the club had made her miserable for months when she and Dare were split up. Bikers had tried to take Dare’s place and, in the end, even Jericho had tried for her.
“I’ll think about it. I’m having him do my tattoo.” I swallowed the fear at the idea of the tattoo and ignored the excitement pulsing through me. I wasn’t sure what worked me up more the fear of the pain or Rock touching me.
Lila bumped my shoulder. “Really, you decided?”
“Yup. No going back this time.” I’d tried two other times to get my first tat only to chicken out at the last minute. The last time I’d made it to the front counter before I’d told Lila to reschedule. That appointment had been with Zero. But down deep, I’d known I wanted Rock to be the one who gave me my first tattoo.
“Yeah, every man wants to take his lover’s cherry.”
I burst out laughing. “No virgin here.”
“Still lots of cherries left: tattoo, anal, who knows what else you haven’t done.”
I gulped at the word anal—that was a cherry I intended to keep, but her words reinforced my confidence. “I’ll call tomorrow for an appointment.”
With a wave to the Mal, I headed out with Lila. I held a hand up in a wave as she sauntered toward her man. She exuded this sexy satisfaction even before she climbed on Dare’s bike. I wished for that.
Getting behind the wheel of my old green beater pick-up, I turned the key...nothing. I turned it over again, only a click, click, click sounded. Son of a bitch. I smacked the steering wheel, the horn blared.
The story of my life. Mishap following trouble usually followed by my stupidity.
A knock on my driver side window startled another curse from me. I stared up at Rock who smirked down. Manually rolling down the window on my POS, I forced a smile onto my face.
“Can I help you?” I demanded.
He laughed, the deep sound made the hairs stand on my arms. “Almita, let me help you.”
I loved and hated it when he called me almita—his soul—at least that’s what he’d told me when I’d asked.
I stared up at him.
“With your car?” He winked. “Open the hood.”
I blinked quickly, processing what he wanted through the haze of lust coating my brain. With a grunt I pulled the sticky hood release. He walked toward the front, I ogled his hard round ass. “Turn it over.”
I complied and the click sound returned. I stopped and waited. Hopefully someone was still here who could give me a jump.
“Chica, grab your purse. I’ll give you a ride home.”
“What? Just jump it.”
“Won’t work, it’s your starter. Dead batteries make a dying wheeze, not click.”
I stared heavenward unsure if this was a curse or a blessing. “I can walk, it’s just six blocks.”
His grin turned into a scowl. “No, you cannot.”
I grabbed my purse before cranking up my window and locking the door. Why was I arguing against riding with Rock? Hadn’t I just fantasized about this?
“You serious about that tat?” He scrutinized me as we walked across the street to where he’d parked his ride.
“Yup. You’ll see.”
He opened his mouth and then shut it before handing me the helmet to secure. “You getting on?”
More like getting off. My body buzzed with adrenaline. Nipples hard, anticipation danced low in my abdomen making me want things, sexy, intimate things we’d done before. I settled behind him and held tight to his muscled waist, barely resisting the desire to run my hands down his front until they stroked his crotch. I had some restraint, plus I didn’t want to crash.
He backed out a bit before pushing the clutch into gear. We zoomed down the deserted street. Wind blew across my cheeks and his scent curled around me. Perfection. All too soon, he slowed and stopped in front of my place. He turned off his bike and removed his helmet even as I did the same.
“I’ll fix your truck tomorrow, get a starter for you.” He stared down at his black boots.
“No, you don’t—”
“I will.” He followed me up my front steps.
I tried not to stare at him, all sexy and protective, he turned me on. I’d avoided being alone with him because I didn’t have the strength to deny him. He’d rescued me, and I’d been so close to him on the back of his bike. I wanted more, just a taste, of his brand of sexy.
“Thanks.” I hugged him to me.
His fingers caressed my cheek, moving my chin before his lips claimed me.
Heaven. I didn’t resist, couldn’t resist when he clasped me tight and deepened our kiss. Sharp jolts of pleasure shot through me, even to my toes. His hand caressed my cheek while the other skimmed my back until it rested on my ass. My pent-up desire crashed through my dam and poured into our exchange. His erection rubbed across my stomach, unable to resist, I clasped his erection through his jeans. Moisture pooled low between my legs and my muscles clenched tight.
Chapter Two
The kiss was the first crack in the wall she’d constructed to block me. I pushed into her, wanting to break a little further inside her defenses.
She moved back. “Thanks for the ride, but this,” she gestured from me to her, “is a bad idea.”
“We’re good together. You remember, don’t you?”
Her musk carried on the night air. So damn sexy. I remembered everything—the laughs, the sex, the sweetness.
“I see you remember.” I stepped closer. “We’re made for each other.” I kissed her soft lips, but she stepped back, banging into her front door.
“Don’t.” She held up a hand.
My body tightened and the kick of need turned to frustration. What made her so skittish?
“You want me, and I want you, but we’ll wait for this.” I didn’t want to wait.
My phone rang, Dare was on the other end.
“Brother, we need you at the club,” Dare greeted me.
“Got it.”
Avery smirked at me, I’d lost her for tonight.
“Misty was beat up. We think by a brother.”
“Take the motherfucker’s balls.” I hated men who hurt women, let alone one of our own.
“Brother, we’re on it, but we think it’s going to get complicated.” Dare hated complicated. “She’s in the hospital, and won’t be coming home tonight.”
The color drained from Avery’s face, then she scooted farther away from me.
Shit. I needed off the phone before I scared her more. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.” I met her skittish gaze. “Avery, I gotta handle this. We’re still on for the tattoo tomorrow. I’ll call in the morning to grab the artwork, then see you at two.”
She glanced away. “If your keepers are done with you, I guess I’ll see you then.”
I wanted to push back, to press her since this was as close as we’d come to a resolution, but my brothers needed me. Besides my conversation had done something to her, made her remember the bad, maybe.
“I will see you at two.” I walked to my bike.
I cursed my bad luck as I sped to the clubhouse, pissed off and frustrated.
No bikes were in the gravel lot but all the lights were on inside the cement block building. I stalked into the empty club, my home away from home. I flicked my gaze across the rows of reject tables as scarred and different as the brothers who used them. But I went straight to the huge wooden bar on the far side of the room. Despite the rough look of the rest of the club room, the bar was the showpiece—one I’d spent countless hours polishing when I bartended as a prospect. It was also where Jericho had inked on my first Brotherhood tat the day I’d become a brother. I could find the Jameson with my eyes closed because some things never changed. I cracked the seal, and swallowed down a long drink of the whiskey. The ride through the cool night air hadn’t done a single thing to get rid of my hard-on. I pulled out my phone, staring at Avery’s name. I typed, Can’t wait to pop your cherry tomorrow. Then I stared at it, I sounded like a player. If I wanted to break down her wall, I’d have to get real. I deleted the message and started again. I typed, Miss you. I stared at the two words. They were true. Then I thought about inking her chest and my dick came to life. I retyped the line I’d just deleted. Reading it, Miss you, Can’t wait to pop your cherry tomorrow. My thumb hovered over send. I pushed send, dropped my phone on the table then drank down more whiskey.