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Page 14

  “I can’t. Get me a drink and take me to bed.”

  He grinned down at me, triumphant. We moved to the bar where he demanded another bottle and I got a new Coke. How much could he drink?

  We walked down a dark hallway toward the bedroom we’d used earlier. By the time we reached it, he’d downed a fourth of the bottle and I’d almost emptied my Coke.

  “Can we remove them now?” I almost begged him.

  He set down the whiskey and shook his head. “One more buildup with them, then kapow, we go for it.”

  I laughed and slipped off my clothes, watching Dare do the same.

  “Condoms?” I didn’t plan to be playing find the cover when I needed him inside me.

  “Bedside table.”

  He removed his pants and we both stood nude, staring at each other. I’m sure the stark hunger in his expression was reflected on my face.

  “Gotta fuck you in front of a mirror.” He shook back his hair. “Not tonight.” He prowled forward with his whiskey in hand. “Still thirsty, and you can be my cup, Red.”

  I backed up until my legs hit the bed.

  “Lie down.”

  “I might get loud,” I warned, needing to be sure he was on board.

  “I hope so. Hot as hell when you scream my name.”

  I fell back on the bed and scooted up until I lay in the middle. He crawled up after me, pouring whiskey on my body. I shivered when the cold liquid hit me. He laughed and poured more on my stomach, sipping it up. My hips already moved, and those balls never stopped. Dare lapped whiskey off my middle before he carefully sucked all traces from my breasts.

  He massaged and tweaked them. I arched up wanting more of the intense pleasure shooting from my nipples in an arrow to my womb. My pussy spasmed around the balls, sending sharp bursts up my spine. The race between the pleasure centers drove me crazy.

  “I...touch...you.” My brain barely worked.

  He brought his cock to my chest. “Fuck me with those magnificent tits.”

  I pushed them together with my arms as he slid his dick between them. I bent my head low until I could lick his tip when he thrust up. We danced together and my focus narrowed—all I did was wait for a taste and then he slipped away again.

  My body sung, and inside me, my walls were dust, he claimed my soul with every stroke to my body, imprinting himself on me. And I welcomed it. I greedily took every bit he gave me.

  “Can’t take more.” He jerked away. “Condom.” I turned to find one in the drawer, and threw it to him. He put it on. “Bear down and they’ll pop loose.”

  And amazingly they popped right out, but now my pussy was empty and needy, worse than the torment of the balls. He plunged into me, and I cried out. Tears streamed down my face.

  My hips met his and we synched with hard slaps of flesh. He rubbed my mound with the palm of his hand, stimulating me. I bucked, unable to find the rhythm. His hips circled, and I screamed. My world exploded, and he kept circling while his hand worked that spot.

  Then he stroked deep. I shouted his name over and over as his apa dragged along my G-spot. A rainbow of colors exploded in my head. I grabbed my nipples, squeezing, while my pussy spasmed around his thick cock.

  I shattered into millions of tiny pieces. He owned me, and I’d gladly give myself to him again. In those seconds, I’d been reborn, stronger than ever.

  His stared down at me as his body jerked. My hands grabbed his ass, seating him better inside me. His face revealed emotions I’d never witnessed before—confusion, joy, bliss, and then something feral, possessive, took over, before he captured my mouth with his.

  We lay intertwined and spent, both trying to find our breath. His weight while heavy comforted me, because this moment was so perfect I feared it was a fantasy—we’d connected so much deeper than we had before. He owned a piece of me, my heart or even my soul. A little voice inside said this was the real thing—I loved him—not because of the way we fucked, but the small way he always made sure I was safe, comfortable, yet trusted me to hold my own. I’d never had someone tell me to fly with them, yet protected me too.

  Dare shifted and moved to my side, gazing at me with sleepy eyes that shone with satisfaction. He rolled off the bed and headed to the second door, which turned out to be the bathroom. I lay half-asleep when he returned.


  I opened my eyes when he didn’t say anything else.

  He palmed my cheek and lightly kissed my lips with such sweet tenderness. “Thank you for making today the best damn day I can remember.”

  He’d just claimed my heart with those words.

  “Back at ya, Dare. Thanks for believing I’m brave.” For believing in me. For showing me how to fly. For teaching me to trust.

  He gave me a curious look but said nothing, instead, he pulled me half onto his chest as he switched to his back. I settled with my head in the hollow of his chest and my leg thrown over his.

  What a wild day those marbles had created, beyond memorable. Yet, I had a feeling even without them this day would have been just as intense.

  Chapter Thirteen: Dare

  The morning sun struck me in the face from the window over the bed. I blinked and squinted down at Red who was cuddled into me with her beautiful ass pushed into my groin. Damn, she felt good in my arms.

  I brushed her hair back to see her sleeping face, at peace and relaxed. I wanted to wake her by slowly claiming her and I wanted to watch her sleep. She’d blown my mind, reset my definitions of what made a good woman. Women who were attracted to the club, our parties, tended to have jaded hearts and calculating minds, which was how it should be.

  No one takes care of you, but you, so you better do it right.

  Women like Red didn’t exist in our world because we’d chew them up and spit them out, but here she was in my world, in my bed. Her wild curiosity and openness were a nuclear combination I didn’t know existed until now.

  Last night, though, had turned into something even more intense. When I came inside her, the satisfaction hadn’t stopped with the physical but dug down deep into the scorched part of me I thought dead—my emotions. Shit, I didn’t even do emotional. When I fucked up this thing between us, we’d both have new scars.

  Red shifted with her soft ass rubbing against me again. Reaching over to the nightstand, I grabbed another condom because I was going to wake sleeping beauty. I arranged her legs between mine so I’d have better access to her pussy. I guided my cock through those tempting ass cheeks to her wet folds—the woman was always wet for me. I glided my cock up and down through her folds, hitting her clit with each pass. Soon she moaned and rocked her hips in her sleep.

  Pulling away so I could suit up, I moved back to her pussy with the condom in place. This time I held her hips and guided my cock to her opening before I entered her. Still sleeping she arched her back, liking what I gave her. Holding tight, I rolled her onto her stomach so I was on top and my hands cupped her tits now pressed into the bed.

  She moaned as I pushed deeper inside. Braced on my elbows, I moved my hips in a slow circle while I teased her nipples. Her sleepy voice called my name.

  Almost awake. I wanted to wake her with a bang. I thrust deep as I pinched both nipples.

  She jerked back into me, awake and panting. “More.”

  Now that she was with me, I slowed again, circling as I moved in and out of her, my body hugging hers.

  She mewled soft sounds and rocked with me, murmuring my name over and over.

  I kept the slow pace as long as I could, but too soon I couldn’t hold back anymore.

  “Please, Dare, I want to come with you,” she begged, right on the edge, but she stubbornly held out.

  Her words stole the last ounce of my control and I pushed up to my hands and she followed up onto her knees
, thrusting her ass back hard. I met her challenge and we pushed each other harder and faster.

  “Dare.” She screamed my name and that was it for me, I shuddered as the orgasm charged through me, leaving me shaky, not sure what I’d experienced. I rolled to my side, bringing her with me, but I stayed seated inside her and I never wanted to let go.

  That thought sent me from sex-induced coma straight into hell. My skin itched and I needed to get away. I couldn’t be doing this shit. Next I’d think I could open up and tell her all about myself. Not in this lifetime, nothing would be worse than seeing those adoring eyes of hers turn to contempt, pity or embarrassment.

  I kissed her cheek and slid out of bed. “I’m taking a shower, then we’ll head to my place.”

  I finished quickly and pulled on some clothes. While Red showered, I headed out to see if there were signs of life post-party. Several guys were passed out on the dance floor. A rustling from the kitchen made me cautious. I saw the door jiggle and then a guy with a shirt that said Rapid Clean bopped out with a full trash bag and earbuds blasting some music in his ears.

  He startled when he saw me but then gave me a quick head nod before heading out the front door. I grabbed two bottles of water and went to get Red. I’d been wanting to show her my place for a while, but it was out of the way from town, and her place was so convenient, at least now that she had a real damn bed.

  “Ready?” I stood and held out my hand for her.

  She grabbed it and we headed to my bike. “Yeah. I can’t wait to see where you live. I thought it was here.”

  “I have, but it’s loud here, so I moved out to this trailer about ten minutes from here.” She slowed and I looked back between our stretched-out hands, but she shook her head and caught up to me. Something bothered her—I’d seen the quick flash of fear cross her face—but I knew she wouldn’t admit it.

  I fastened my helmet and checked hers, leaning in for a quick peck. Her arms wrapped around me, and I circled the bike out of the club driveway, heading home. Since the trailer was off the highway, I had a long dirt driveway up to the hill where the landlord had settled it. What I liked best was that I couldn’t see another house from my place. I parked the bike and stored my helmet, but Red still had hers on staring up at the front door. I tapped her shoulder and she jumped, whirling to me.

  “Your helmet?”

  She gave me a weak smile and took it off.

  “Are you okay?” I brushed my fingers across her cheek.

  “I feel a bit off.” She moved into me. “Maybe a sex hangover.”

  “You know they say the hair of the dog is the only cure.” I swiped her nose and headed to the front door, unlocking and opening it for her.

  “What does that mean, anyway?” she asked as she walked in before me. “You have a nice place.”

  I shut and locked the door, throwing my keys on the kitchen counter. I hadn’t been here in a couple days, but everything looked okay. I hadn’t left out any dirty dishes, clothes or other crap, which was just a lucky coincidence.

  “It means—” I backed her into the couch and she fell back into the seat “—the best cure for the hangover is more of what gave it to you.” I sat next to her and picked up the remote, turning on the channel that had my favorite bike shows on it.

  “So more sex?” she purred. “That sounds like something a guy would say.”

  I laughed and patted my lap. “Lay down here and I’ll rub what hurts.”

  We watched the custom bike show and I rubbed her back with slow swirls. It felt right having her here with me relaxing, even if she was the first woman I’d brought here.

  “Do you watch anything but bike reality shows?” She yawned and cuddled her head into my stomach.

  “Sure, I like movies. Not big on sitcoms or other TV shows, since I’m never sure what my schedule will be.”

  “What’s your favorite movie?”

  “Anchorman, Talladega Nights, I guess any Will Ferrell movie. He cracks me up.” I had most of his movies on DVD, but I hadn’t had any free time lately, or free time I hadn’t spent with her.

  She sat halfway up searching my face. “I’d of pegged you for action movies.”

  “Yeah, I can get behind a good ‘blow ’em up and kill the bad guys’ movie.” I pushed her back down and she went, settling onto my lap.

  “How about you?” I played with her hair, smoothing curls that sprang right back once my hand moved on.

  “Chick flicks.”

  I groaned.

  She laughed. “Yup, pretty much anything with Reese Witherspoon or Sandra Bullock.” She sighed and glanced up at me. “That feels wonderful, you have such talented fingers.”

  Turning in to me, she unsnapped my jeans. “I think I need the cure.”

  I lifted my hips and she slipped the jeans past my knees. While I watched, inch by slow inch, Red sunk her mouth down on me until her nose touched my groin and then worked her way up with the same careful pace. I leaned back, closing my eyes, while she fucked me with her soft mouth. But soon, I was too turned on to let her have all the fun. I untied her halter and fondled her tits, loving the way she moaned around my cock. I leaned down to unfasten her skirt.

  “Take it off.” I pushed down.

  Her hands joined mine and soon she was naked.

  “Ride me, baby.”

  She scrambled atop me and straddled my thighs. “Condom?”

  “In the bedroom.” I held her close, gripping her ass, and stood with her clinging to me giggling. Walking with her to my bed, I dropped her down and she bounced with a laugh. I suited up and climbed on top.

  “Oh no, I’m on top.” She grinned down at me. “This is my ride.”

  She rode me hard until we both found the release we sought. Relaxed, I drew her to me drifting toward sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen: Lila

  I held on tight to Dare and focused on falling asleep, anything to escape this trailer and the memories I couldn’t banish.

  I focused on slow, deep breaths while I cataloged the many ways this wasn’t the trailer of my nightmares. It didn’t resemble the broken-down trailer of my youth and didn’t smell like rancid grease and peppermint schnapps.

  Stupid mistake, Lila.

  Apprehension knotted in my stomach, so I sucked in another deep breath and blew it out. Repeating the exercise ten times, I no longer wanted to hurl. I blanked my brain, refusing to let my thoughts wander back there.

  Instead, I remembered the sweet way Dare made love to me this morning. I mean, there could be no other word for our experience. Our relationship had flown past complicated right into a place I had no name for, because I’d never been this deep, and likely he hadn’t either, if he even thought about it.

  I’d felt so safe, loved and cared for that I’d almost cried, but tears had no place in happy. Thinking about this morning, I relaxed and fell asleep.

  “Daddy, I won’t do it again,” the redheaded girl pleaded, hand pinching her bleeding, broken nose.

  “You no-good cunt, redheaded whore.” He slurred his words.

  The girl turned, trying to run. He captured her arm and twisted. She frantically tried to get free. Her eyes glued to the rusted white door, dented where he’d thrown the TV at it. She thought she was slipping free until a crack echoed, and pain crashed through her. She sprawled on the floor and wretched, throwing up the ramen noodles she’d had for supper.

  “Not much of a Lilac now, cunt.” He kicked her and her world faded to black.

  I bolted upright sweating, a scream on my lips. Movement in the bed sent me in a panicked run from the room and through the front door. I ran until my legs burned with the shallow cuts of the longer grass. I fell to the ground, puking, my breaths shallow and fast. My vision darkened and I feared I’d pass out.

  Forcing large
breaths of air into my constricted chest hurt, but soon my breathing slowed. My skin itched from the grass surrounding me. I kneeled stark naked in the middle of some field. Dare’s field. Anguish and shame flooded me. He’d witnessed my desperate escape. I’d more than freaked out and rocketed to full insanity.

  Footsteps, muffled in the grass, told me he approached. I pushed to my knees, wishing I could disappear, avoid facing him and seeing his pity for the crazy girl who’d run from his bed. He stood behind me, silent, the quiet more accusing than any words.

  God, I hadn’t dreamed of that night in over two years. I was beyond fucked up if a perfectly normal, un-horror-show-like trailer conjured such nightmares.

  Mentally preparing for his condemnation, I stood and faced him.

  The look on his face shocked me. He didn’t judge me. Shame and guilt transformed him into a different man. “Sorry, I didn’t meant to—” He turned away from me.

  I tried to find words but couldn’t speak. He hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “Let’s get you dressed.” He offered a hesitant hand.

  Exhausted from the fear and adrenaline, I woodenly followed him back to the trailer, barely able to move, let alone understand his behavior. He led me to the bathroom and gently pushed my shoulders until I sat.

  He rinsed a cloth in the sink and handed it to me. “Put your face in it.”

  Cold relief spread through me. Another cool cloth massaged my legs, dirty and blood streaked from my panicked flight.

  He spoke as he worked. “Red, I’d never hurt you.” More washing. “Too damn rough with you, too stupid to know when to stop. Hell...made you run from me. I scared you. Always screw shit up.”

  Why did he say that? I shook my addled brain.


  Tears pricked my eyes.

  He somehow blamed himself for this. “I’m bad for you, should never have come close to you.” And finally “fucking worthless.”

  The uneasy twisting of my reality stopped, allowing me to focus. With my brain finally firing, understanding hit me, fueled by a hot blaze of angry indignation. I refused to let him think this was about him another moment. I would set this right even if it meant spilling my ugly past.